Thursday, December 26, 2013


Dear all,
On behalf of everyone at the Global Paint for Charity, we wish you happiness, health, blessing and peace in this Holiday Season and best wishes for the New Year.
Because of your support, Global Paint for Charity continues to grow its impacts in the developing world and in our communities. We gave $120,000 worth of great quality of paint and goods to help underprivileged families around the world.
Here is a List of our Top Beneficiaries for this Year.
  • Feeding the Children, Oklahoma, U.S.
  • Fishermen Missionary Church – Haiti
  • Tapestry Church and University, Africa-- Kisii, Kenya
  • Colores Americas in Central America (Honduras, Belize and Guatemala)
  • The Rights to Life Foundations, Inc., Atlanta, GA
  • Rainbow Village, Duluth GA
  • Partnership Against Domestic Violence, Atlanta, GA
  • Demerara Foundation in Guyana
  • Gwinnett Habitat for Humanity Restore, Lawrenceville, GA
  • Rony’s Mission Trip to Haiti (painted 300 Homes for families who were living in tents since 2010).
Top Donor in 2013
  • Ski’s Painting in Washington U.S. shipped 3600 gallons of paint to help our cause.
Highlights from 2013:
Global Paint for Charity, Inc., (GPC) has made exciting advancements in recent months as it continues to develop into one of the most successful organizations making a positive contribution to society.   
  • CNN, the Atlanta’s WSB-TV and PeopleTV stations have featured Global Paint for Charity, Inc. 
  • Tom Joyner, The Community of Giving Radio and two other local FM stations have featured Rony Delgarde’s GPC founder
  • An Atlanta-Journal Constitution article when reprinted in several states, prompted thousands of phones calls per day from people wanting to donated paint to such a worthy cause! 
  • Salesforce, one of the premier customer relationship management products used by businesses, has supplied GPC with training and its software to facilities the work of the nonprofit.
  • Drum World Wide Expect Staffs joined the GPC Board of Directors and provided the perfect solutions for promoting and rebranding our organization so we can grow and meet the demands.
  • The Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta with its incredible staff and volunteer lawyers have been extremely helpful and supportive in assisting GPC with all legal issues from drafting contracts to conducting researches about environmental, state and federal regulations for proper paint disposal, recycling and shipping abroad.
  • On August 20th, Rony Delgarde, GPC’s founder, was awarded Allstate Insurance Company’s “2013 Champion for Good” award as part of their Give It Up For Good campaign.  A local agent stated, “The Company (Allstate) was proud to recognize Delgarde for his dedication to making a difference and serving others”.
  • Global Paint for Charity donated 250 gallons of paint to Gwinnett Habitat for Humanity Restore. The revenue from the sale will help the habitat for Humanity International’s mission to assist local low-income families in our communities.
  • Global Paint for Charity assisted more than 300 families who were living in small tents since the disastrous earthquake to now move into new homes again.
  • Volunteers from UPS joined GPC and donated their time to help paint for Rainbow Village in Duluth GA, as part of the Gwinnett County Days of Community Services celebration. Rainbow Village is a transitional housing program where homeless families with children find refuge to recover and rebuild their lives with the love and support of a community-based family surrounding them.
  • GPC has a strong Board of Directors with various professionals to insure successful operations and accountability at any level of the organization.
Global Paint for Charity’s WISHLIST!!!
  • A Larger Warehouse where large paint donation can be safely stored and processed for use or donation. And can be used to education and train volunteers on recycling and techniques for painting projects and safety measures.  
  • A means to transport donations, especially when over 100,000 cans of paint are offered. 
  • A machine for processing all half can of Latex paint.
  • Supplies like new empty 5 gallon containers, drop cloths, paint brushes, masks, painters’     tape, ladders, etc.
  • Volunteers, Volunteers, Volunteers

I sincerely appreciate the opportunity you have given us to help many people in need around the world. We are very grateful for this privilege but we have more work to do.  As we come to the end of 2013, I would like to thank you for your great contribution to our success, and ask if you can help us once again. The holiday season is the perfect time to show those in need how much you care. If you are looking to make a donation to a specific organization, please consider a year-end donation of $50, $100, $500, $1000 or more to support our global paint project. In return, your donation will be recognized and we will post holiday notes mentioning your kind gesture on our Facebook Page and Twitter .  Making a donation is easy. Simply click on the following link:
to submit your donation online.

Once again, thank you for your support! Stay tuned for more impacts in 2014, as we continue protecting the environment, changing lives and painting the world one gallon of paint at a time!

Very Respectfully Yours, Merry Christmas!

Rony S. Delgarde


PO Box 48855  |  Atlanta  |  GA  |  30362
"Changing lives and protecting the environment, one gallon of Paint at a time"

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Global Paint for Charity Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When was the Global Paint for Charity organization established?

A. The Global paint for Charity was originally started in 2010, incorporated in Georgia in 2011 and federally recognized as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization in 2012. Its mission is to collect leftover architectural paint from residents and businesses nationwide for use in global housing rehabilitation projects, including homes, schools, hospitals, orphanages and churches for vulnerable families in developing countries.  Global Paint Charity has a passion for people, paint and the environment. Together, we will reduce waste, protect the environment, provide paint to vulnerable populations and paint the world in lasting color. 

Q. Why Paint?
A. Paint gives us color which gives us beauty, joy, freedom and life's distinction. It is very evident that, a little layer of paint on the walls can truly change the feeling and ambiance of a place that called home, whether at the work place, school and libraries, orphanage, hospital, church, refugee camps or prisons for longer-lasting results. The right color of paint can uplift the spirit and create happiness for years to come. In addition, paint can be sources of both air and water pollution, especially if it ends up in landfills. For instance, the US EPA has found that recycling paint causes 35% less water pollution and 74% less air pollution. Also, one major factor behind the Global Paint movement is that Paint can help save lives. A high quality of paint color on the walls can protect the exterior and interior surfaces from bacterial objects, diseases, viruses, bad germs, temperature changes and much more. Last but not least, I love paint. For instance, when I was a child I used to love to draw and enjoy seeing how things like houses, doors, and other objects look outside. I always had a late night date with my pencil and sheets of paper. I drew houses, cars, and buildings that did not even exist in my neighborhood. I used bright colors such as red, yellow, pink, and blues on the walls. And it was beautiful. My house was not even painted the same way, it was just my imagination and curiosity. Today, I feel very grateful for being able to reduce waste, and founded the first charitable organization to help provide paint to vulnerable populations all around the world while protecting the environment, it is like dreams come true.  

Q. How can I make a paint donation to Global Paint for Charity?
A. Thank you for contacting the Global Paint for Charity regarding your paint disposal and donation. Our mission is to recycle leftover paint from businesses and residents, process it and then donate it to vulnerable families in developing countries all around the world. Currently we have various locations to send you for your paint donation, for your convenience, and to help us assist you faster, please click HERE Once the page opens, scroll down and click on the teal (aqua) colored tab says "Make a Paint Donation"(as shown on the page). Next, complete the form and send it via the contact info provided. Or scroll down and click on "Purchase a Paint Kit" or just email us with the quantity of paint that you have and need to be picked up, physical location, and a best possible time if you don't plan to leave the paint outside while at work. Within 48 hours, a Global Paint volunteer will contact you with details about your pick-up date or drop off location in your area. For larger donations (100+ gallons) or Paint Donation Drive please contact Rony Delgarde directly at Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance. Thanks!  

Q. Now I am interested in supporting your cause, what type of paint does Global Paint for Charity recycle?
A. Thank you for considering a donation of paints to the Global Paint for Charity. For the most part, we recycle all architectural paint which is defined under the EPA regulations as interior and exterior architectural coatings sold in containers of five gallons or less. However, Global Paint will not take the following items: Paint Thinners, Stains, Dry-Out Paint, Spackle, opened cans of Oil Paint, and Rusted Cans of Latex Paint with less than 25% of Wet Paint. Please understand we try to help those in needs, and brighten the world we live in. Either way, your gift is very welcome and will provide the greatest benefits to many families around the world. Stain and Dry-out of Latex Paint Cans can be bagged and trashed. Simply place some cat litter, shredded paper or sand into the container, leave the lid off and allow to dry completely for a few days. Once the product is dried out, double bag each container (up to one gallon in size only) and place inside your trash cart. To arrange for a free pick up today, please submit the Paint Donation Request Form or call Toll-Free 855-853-7772. 

Q. How do you collect the paint?
A. We pick up paint donations from local residences, businesses, apartment complexes, or residential buildings at no charge. That means, for the first time, residents and businesses can properly dispose their leftover paint without having to pay a fee at the point of collection. The program has two subprograms called ONE STOP PAINT DROP and ONE STOP PAINT DRIVE. Because of word of mouth and amazing supports from the MEDIA, we are able to partner with chain stores such as Salvation Army, Goodwill, Home Depot and Sherwin Williams in certain areas. Our volunteers come by these participants or retailers once or twice a month to pick up paint that's been donated. You may ask the retail experts in your area if they participate or support the Global Paint worthwhile programs. Our drop-off locations may vary by retailer and participant please check the retail store in your area before taking your paint donation for disposal. We also have frequent paint donation drives at local schools, churches, corporate buildings, and waste management agencies. For collection sites or our next paint donation drive in your area, please email These programs and others are already underway and people have already begun to donate their leftover paints but we hope to partner with more organizations so that Global Paint for Charity can recycle more paints.

Q. How many gallons can you expect from a paint drive?
A. Typically, we collect around 3,000-12,000 gallons of paint per drive. We have had much greater results when there is good publicity and other assistance provided by the drive organizers. For instance, Rony was first introduced the program to the Solid Waste Management of Gwinnett County, and recycled over 6,000 gallons of paint on a single day at the Gwinnett Braves offices in Buford Georgia. Hosting a GPC Paint Drive is an easy way to help ensure that leftover paint does not end up in landfills. To organize a GPC paint donation drive in your area, please email

Q. How do you process the collected paint?
After collection and transportation, all donated latex paint is inspected, sorted, and mixed with latex paint of the same color to achieve the desired quantity and then is transferred to five-gallon plastic containers. This process of combining leftover paints that have similar characteristics into batches is commonly referred to as "consolidation." The process typically involves the following steps:
(1) Sort paint based on whether it is oil-based or latex paint. GPC accepts oil-based paint only if it is in a new, unopened, and full container.
(2) Screen and inspect each can of latex paint for unusable paint including bad or dried out paint.
(3) Check labels and sort paint by characteristics such as color and type (for example, interior versus exterior).
(4) Shake and dump latex paint from the original containers into drums or vats.
(5) Mix the obtained product then consolidate the latex paint in five-gallon containers made of plastic fabrics for donation or shipment overseas.
GPC's process for latex paint involves mixing and re-packaging only. GPC adds water to latex paint as needed for successful consolidation, but otherwise does not add substances to or change the chemistry of latex paint. As noted, GPC checks paint labels and visually inspects the condition of latex paint to screen out any contaminated paint but does not currently have the funds or resources needed to test for metals, pesticides, bacteria or other contaminants. The paint that is simply too bad to use and containers (metal or plastic)are recycled and kept out of landfills. Much of these activities are performed by volunteers ranging from 16 years or older. The good news is Students from Georgia Tech have partnered with Global Paint Charity to design a machine that can process the paint. The board of directors and Rony Delgarde have been working to raise the $95,000 it will cost to build the machine. We will be able to make 3,000 gallons of paint per day if we have that machine. That would be dreams come true.
Q. So how do the paint you provide get shipped and distributed?
A. We consolidate the paint in drums or five-gallon buckets which made of plastic fabrics for shipment overseas. We don't ship cans and quarts of paint containers because they made of cheap metal which can be deteriorated or breakdown due to the sever salty sea air and ocean water specially for shipment to seaports in Africa or certain regions in Central America and Caribbean. We work closely with our distribution partners, missionary churches, charitable organizations, and U.S. government agencies operating in developing countries to manage the distribution of the paint. Accountability is essential to our success. We seek out organizations that have a proven track record of successfully getting the paint to the vulnerable populations, distributing it properly, and being able to handle the responsibilities of a paint project while keeping the paint out of the hands of corrupt government officials, criminals and local entrepreneurs. We require our partners to document how they distribute our paint and provide us with testimonials and pictures of before/after the houses were painted and families who receive the paint whenever possible.

Q. I thought many developing countries have their own paint manufacturers. Why do they need our paint?
A. Believe it or not, most developing countries do not have paint. Usually, trees are used to burn stones and soil to make color powders for paint, and fruits and vegetable (i.e. Beets, lime, strawberries, etc.) have to be used to make paint. This out-dated practice existed several hundred thousand years ago simply because people didn't have the today technology to make paint.
However, in 2013, people who live on less than $2 a day should not have to use their food resources to beautify their homes. 
You won't ever believe the difference your paint donation would make in many lives for many years. The families we help can't tell you how much they appreciate your paint donation. It is evident that painting a family's home in developing countries is the most fundamental gifts. I am sure if you have read the book or seen the movie "A Painted House" by John Grisham, you would have a much more graphic illustration about the value of a family having a house that is painted. Please refer to this link to view a CNN interview and gain a perspective of the impact we are making both internationally and locally.

Q. What countries receive the paint you collect?

A. So far, Mr. Delgarde has donated as much as 300 to 500 gallons of paint at a time to support projects in Kenya, Haiti, Mexico, DR, Ghana and Uganda. He recently returned from Equatorial Guinea, where he donated 200 gallons of paint to renovate an orphanage for 800 children who lost their parent to HIV/AIDS. Also the paint goes to developing countries where the most of vulnerable population have no access to paint or have a majority of poverty-level.

Q. How many gallons of paint are needed by country?
A. Over 1.6 billion residents in developing countries live in poor quality housings, unpainted schools, orphanages, hospitals and neglected refugee camps walls. We give each organization up to a certain amount at a time. We give as many as 200 or 500 gallons at a time per request. Each country in most developing countries has about 6 million to 20 million residents who don’t have access to paint. On average, it takes about 2,000 gallons at 1/2 or less full per container to get 300 to 500 gallons of good or better paint. So, we need a good amount of donated paint to keep our program running.

Q. Is there any way to quantify the success of the program?

A. When donating paint and paint products, we generally work with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs),church groups, missionaries and healthcare organizations in the recipient countries. We recognize that it is not enough to simply beautify people’s homes and schools, donate paints and walk away. It is not enough to just send one gallon of paint then “wait and see”. This is why we seek to partner with more organizations that promote continued sustainability and economic development in developing world. What that means is that many organizations are building schools with sport stadiums and libraries, orphanages, hospitals, churches, and family homes for local residents. In this context, our paint can be used to “jump start” their projects to help million people and families around the world. Our free paint for charity program can save these organizations thousands of dollars. We ask that they keep the paint out of the hands of corrupt government officials and criminals and make sure the local residents don't sell the paint. In order to achieve greatest efficiency and sustainability, we require different inputs from our partners in the geographical population they assist. We conduct annual survey of organization who participates in our programs. The vast majority of respondents in our latest survey believe the Global Paint for Charity is the revolution to change lives and transform communities around the world.

Q. Our school would like to run a paint drive for your organization and Raise funds to cover shipping and related expenses. Over 1200 kids and their parents including 120 faculty members will participate. What can we do to get started? 

A. A paint donation drive is an incredible way to engage kids' parents, faculty members, and employees and introduce the Global Paint for Charity to your school or company. The Global Paint for Charity Paint Drive program was named one of the top 100 best community projects in the nation. One of the best ways to get community members involved is to hold a Global Paint drive, during which a church or school would ask students, parents or church members to bring their leftover paint. Your members or students would get involved in the monitoring the drive while raising $1000s for your programs. WE will collect the paint to help those in need around the world, DONORS will get rid of their old leftover paint, and YOU will help your community with the funds you raise. SO EVERYBODY WINS!! We believe everyone that donated to support our cause would feel better about themselves, no matter how small they contribute. To run a paint drive in combination with your school or business, please email and indicate which school or organization you work for.

Q. Can I volunteer to travel abroad to help paint for those in needs in Asia and Africa?

A. Travel abroad to help beautify homes and communities for those in needs around the world sounds like a lot of fun. It is also a rewarding and learning experience. Our programs are designed to allow you to help in a way that the community will benefit from. You'll work side by side with local community members in a variety of small villages to paint and solve local problems. Our program is mainly targeted high achieving minority students looking to gain global exposure or diverse experience abroad. Such experience also helps them be competitive and stand-out in the global market. If you would like to volunteer abroad, please contact our team at info@globalpaints.orgto get started.

Q. When you have paint drives, do you get the paint you want-new or slightly leftover paint?

A. Yes! up to 60% of the paint we receive is appropriate. However, not all collected gallon and can containers of left-over paint are totally full. We inspect each container for exact amount, some are 1/4 or less full and some are more than 1/2 full. Regardless of the amount found in a container, our donors are using this as an opportunity to “clean out their basements.” So everybody wins!!

Q. Is this program limited to businesses and residents in the U.S.?
A. At present, we are recycling paint from businesses and residents in Atlanta Georgia, Miami and Orlando Florida, and North Carolina. We have recently added a collection site in Brazil, Australia, UK, France, Germany, soon in Boston, MA, Philadelphia, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York and will globally continue to expand our program.

Q. Does Global Paint for Charity donate paints for housing rehabilitation for Veterans with Disabilities and Military Families in the U.S.?

A. Yes! Each year, in honor of Memorial Day, 9/11, and Veterans Day, the Global Paint for Charity partners with various volunteer groups including churches and corporations across the country to rehabilitate homes for veterans. Many veterans and their families are in critical housing rehabilitation needs, from homes that need significant repairs and upgrades to paintings. More than 20 million brave men and women have fought various wars to keep our nation safe, so the best way we can honor their sacrifice is by showing supports and making a difference in their lives. According to some data, more than 1 million veterans' homes need to be repainted. That's one among many reasons that the Global Paint for Charity adds another sub-project to our menu "REHABILITATING HEROES'HOME PROJECT."
The Global Paint for Charity and our volunteers are taking the initiatives to ensure that every veteran's home is painted with recycled paint from businesses and residents around the nation, one can at a time.
For more information about the "REHABILITATING HEROES'HOME PROJECT" in your area, please contact us at

Q. Are my donations of paint to GPC tax-deductible as a charitable gift?
A. Yes, your donations are tax deductible but No, and I will explain. Global Paint is a public non-profit 501 (c)(3) charity, Federal Tax ID number 45-3609312. Your donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. No goods or services would be provided in exchange for your donations. However, Federal laws and EPA regulations provide that paint is a common product that can become a household hazardous waste if not used up and must be in good used standards or better in order to be classified as tax deductible items. Therefore, we appreciate your generosity but Global Paint will not evaluate your paint donations. For more information about how to properly record your donations, please contact us at

Q. You must have been swamped with inquiries. I have some paint to donate. I faxed in my request but I haven't heard back from anyone yet. Did you get my fax? If so, please can you contact me to set up a time for you to pick up my paint?

A. Sorry it has taken us much longer than you expected to pick up your paint donation. We are aware of some delays to response to your request as quickly as possible. We are currently working to improve this. We will do our very best to assist you. First contact us via email at to inform our volunteers that you sent in your request form and are waiting for a pick up date or drop off location in your area. It can take up to two-to-three business days after sending your email for your form to be found and updated in our database as we get 300 to 500 forms including phone calls a day. If it is taking longer or beyond that processing period, please email the Global Paint Service Desk or call toll free 855-853-7772 to inform us. Thank you very much for your understanding and great patience.

Q. I would like to submit a request for your free paint program (we build and refurbish community structures and homes for at-risk residents of Kwa-Zulu Natal (here in South Africa) whom have been hard hit by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Our program would involve painting and refurbishing un-down government houses. Would it be possible to get the paint from Global Paint Charity?

A. Thank you for interesting in our free Paint Program. We will be more than happy to assist you. Here are the tips to submit your request. Please visit the following link to our website and complete a Free Paint Form at Then you will need to write a report about your program (give us as much detail as possible about the population and location where you will serve). Take photo or video of the area to support your application including a descriptive about your organization success so we can easily find the need for your submission. Finally, send us everything and a GPC volunteer will contact you. Note: all images must be in .gif, .jpg or jpeg formats. Videos must be in .mpg, .mpeg,.wmv, or 3gp formats. Combined file size limit: 80MB. Each file size should be larger than 2KB. If you need more assistance, please contact us at

Q. How can I/my business/school/university/or my church become a sponsor of your organization?
A. It's very easy! company sponsorships are available at several levels throughout the year. Visit our contact page to find specific staff member to help you with our current opportunities! For more assistance about partnerships or sponsorships, please email us at or contact us Toll-Free 855-853-7772.

Q. How can I receive notification of upcoming GPC events and updates? 

A. Simply click HERE to like us on Facebook or please complete the Volunteer Application thoroughly with your name, email, phone number, and mailing address to be added to our contacts. We will never release your personal information to any other organizations.

Q. Can Rony or someone come and present at my school? My class would love to learn and hear the Global Paint for Charity's stories.
A. Thank you for your interest in our presentation. We have great stories and wonderful pictures that will make you cry, and some will make you smile. Our staff and board members are great public speakers. They would be more than happy to speak at your school or company to both inform and inspire. Please email and give us more details about your school or business, someone will be in contact with you to schedule a presentation ASAP.

Q. How can I help?

A. Global Paints became a 501c3 a year ago and already has more media interest than we can handle which increase our capacity both notionally and abroad. To meet the growing demands for recycling paint and process donated paint to help those in needs, we are reaching out to you all and your network to explore a possible win-win support. To manage our growth, we are in desperate need of large warehouse facility, trucks, vans, equipment to tint and mix the paint for repackaging including shakers and/or tint machines that your company is no longer using. Our new process will include asking a nominal monetary donation to accept donated paint to cover our processing and repackaging costs. Until we are in a position to establish an adequate cash flow, we are also in need of empty cans and 5 gallon buckets to repackage the recycled paint we already have in our inventory. Understanding, you or someone in your network may have retired equipment on hand, we would greatly appreciate your consideration of gifting storage and equipment to Global Paint project to enable our growth to repackage recycled paint.

You can also offer your computer skills to help rebuild this website to facilitate our daily traffic, or organize a paint drive, donate paint that you don't need or make a paint kit donation. Funds are needed for shipping of paint from the U.S. to recipient countries. Volunteer, volunteer and volunteer.

We encourage you to take action today. Please donate online or send checks payable to Global Paint for Charity to: Global Paint for Charity, P.O. 48855, Atlanta, GA 30362. We’ll send you a receipt with our thanks. We’re a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, your donations are tax-deductible.

For more information contact us at or call us today at (855) 853-7772. Please keep a record of all donations to the GPC for tax purposes.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Global Paint Sends 4,400 gallons of Latex Paint to Central America

Founder Rony Delgarde (far Right), GPC Operation Director Paul Martino(Top Right), partners and friends at Colores Americanos, and volunteers helping to load the paint.
                                                               First layer set of paint
                                                                     Full Container
Today we loaded this 46 ft. container with 4,400 gallons of Latex paint to send to Honduras, El Salvador, Belize and Guatemala! The paint was collected from all major top brands including Ralph Laurent, Benjamin Moore, Sherwin Williams, Behr, Glidden and Valspar and a has Book Value of $32,000. It is the first largest shipment of paint for the Global Paint organization since founded two years ago. Global Paint is so grateful to Vanguard Logistics Services and NACA Logistics (USA), Inc. for their generous support of this shipment. Vanguard dropped off the container on Friday, and GPC volunteers and supporters worked around the clock on Saturday and Sunday loading the trailer. Vanguard picked up the container with over 4,400 gallons of paint at Cornerstone Church of Duluth, Georgia today.

Thanks to our new partners and friends at Colores Americas for their support, they will deliver and distribute the paint to Honduras, El Salvador, Belize and Guatemala! This is a dream come true that we’ve actually shipped the largest consolidated paint to those who need it the most even in Central America. This is a big step in a long journey for GPC organization. We hope to soon collect 20,000 gallons to earthquake victims in Haiti as well. We continue to receive numerous requests from throughout the world for paint, particularly for housing rehabilitation projects at churches, schools and orphanages.
So far, we have received $900 in cash contribution from Gwinnett County's Solid Waste and Recovered Materials Division, and 1,150 gallons of paint from our Earth Day recycling Event this year. We continue to collect all paint donations from businesses and residents nationwide, consolidate it and work with our partners to send large shipments of paint to developing countries around the world.
We thank the Media for their generosity and support. They have done an excellent job by supporting the GPC organization by informing the community at large the works we are doing at Global Paint for Charity. Also special thanks to all our volunteers, many generous donors and supporters. Without you all we would not have been able to provide major top brand paint products to those in needs.

For more information, and all other inquiries, please contact us at: Toll Free 877-853-7772 or visit

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Saturday, April 27, 2013


    • 10:00am until 3:00pm
  • Overcast 65°F
  • Join the cause! Help us reduce waste, protect the environment and provide paint to those in need. The MOMS ON A MISSION Organization and Global Paint would like to invite you all to an annual paint donation drive. Paint Collection (limit 20 one-gallon cans per donor) no: Paint Thinners, Stains, Dry Paint, Spackle, and Rusted Cans of Paint with less than 25% of Wet Paint

    For more information about attending, please contact Cathy Raynold at or direct 770-426-4917 or Global Paint at or call toll free: 855-853-7772.

    NOTE: Global Paint won’t charge any fees to collect your paint. However, we are asking everyone to consider donating a small financial donation of $20 or more to help us cover expenses such as collection, processing, and shipping the paint to those in needs while protecting the environment.

    Don't forget to bring cash or personal check.
    Volunteers are needed, please contact us to sign up....

    Thank you

    GPC Team!!
810 Raleigh Court, Marietta GA 30064
810 Raleigh Court, Marietta GA 30064

Friday, April 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Rony Delgarde!! I Am Very Grateful for Everything!!

My heart is whispering I love ME I am so grateful for ME I am a blessing to myself  and the world Today I will be gentle with ME Today I will allow my love to shine I listen to my heart’s whispers And I know I am greatful - Suzie Cheel

Monday, April 22, 2013

Global Paint for Charity Programs

The Global Paint for Charity (GPC) is a non-profit organization incorporated in Georgia, U.S.A. Our mission is to collect leftover paint from residents and businesses nationwide and use it for global housing rehabilitation projects including homes, schools, hospitals, orphanages and churches for vulnerable families in developing countries. Through the support of our donors and partners we are able to protect the environment, increase access to quality paints in developing countries, change lives and transform communities one gallon at a time.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that every home in the U.S. has 3 to 4 gallons of leftover paints in its basement and 10 percent of those paints ends up in landfills every day. One gallon of improperly disposed paint has the ability to pollute up to 250,000 gallons of water. By participating in our program, individuals and businesses will take greater steps to protect the environment, and improve living conditions for vulnerable populations throughout the world. If you would like to support the Global Paint for Charity, we encourage you to take action today or Click HERE!

GPC Paint Donation Programs

Global Paint has established the Free Paint Donation Programs to help those in needs. These programs are changing lives and changing the world. Please make a donation today. Based on the amount you donate our programs will succeed, and every dollar contribution will help!

It would be appreciated it if you would fill out the Free Paint Donation Form and indicate the amount of paint you will for your project. 

GPC Will Support the Following Programs
  • Leftover Paint Collection Nationwide
  • Housing Rehabilitation Project for Homeless Centers, Local Schools, Stadiums  and Parks here and Abroad (Family Homes, Orphanages, Recreational Centers for Women and Homeless).
  • Renovation of Libraries, Schools, Churches, Basketball and Soccer Stadiums,
  • Repainting/Painting the Sidewalks and Dividing Lanes on the Roads.
  • Housing Rehabilitation Projects for Veterans
Global Paint Will Take the Following Items: 
  • Latex Paint: Interior and exterior latex paint, 
  • Water based paint, Flat, Gloss, Semi-Gloss etc 
  • Oil Paint: Interior and exterior oil based paint, New/unopened containers only.
Global Paint Won't Take the Following Items: 
  • Paint Thinners, Stains, Dry Paint, Spackle,
  • Opened oil paint cans,
  • Rusted Cans of Paint with less than 25% of Wet Paint.
Improve access of high quality paints to vulnerable populations around the world. Nearly 2.5 billion people in developing countries live on less than $2 a day for them paint is very expensive. In these settings, it is very difficult for families to secure sufficient income for their basic needs such as food, medicine, water, clothes, school supplies, and shelter. When making consumption choices that involve spending on these goods there is nothing left to spend on paint.