Monday, April 22, 2013

Global Paint for Charity Programs

The Global Paint for Charity (GPC) is a non-profit organization incorporated in Georgia, U.S.A. Our mission is to collect leftover paint from residents and businesses nationwide and use it for global housing rehabilitation projects including homes, schools, hospitals, orphanages and churches for vulnerable families in developing countries. Through the support of our donors and partners we are able to protect the environment, increase access to quality paints in developing countries, change lives and transform communities one gallon at a time.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that every home in the U.S. has 3 to 4 gallons of leftover paints in its basement and 10 percent of those paints ends up in landfills every day. One gallon of improperly disposed paint has the ability to pollute up to 250,000 gallons of water. By participating in our program, individuals and businesses will take greater steps to protect the environment, and improve living conditions for vulnerable populations throughout the world. If you would like to support the Global Paint for Charity, we encourage you to take action today or Click HERE!

GPC Paint Donation Programs

Global Paint has established the Free Paint Donation Programs to help those in needs. These programs are changing lives and changing the world. Please make a donation today. Based on the amount you donate our programs will succeed, and every dollar contribution will help!

It would be appreciated it if you would fill out the Free Paint Donation Form and indicate the amount of paint you will for your project. 

GPC Will Support the Following Programs
  • Leftover Paint Collection Nationwide
  • Housing Rehabilitation Project for Homeless Centers, Local Schools, Stadiums  and Parks here and Abroad (Family Homes, Orphanages, Recreational Centers for Women and Homeless).
  • Renovation of Libraries, Schools, Churches, Basketball and Soccer Stadiums,
  • Repainting/Painting the Sidewalks and Dividing Lanes on the Roads.
  • Housing Rehabilitation Projects for Veterans
Global Paint Will Take the Following Items: 
  • Latex Paint: Interior and exterior latex paint, 
  • Water based paint, Flat, Gloss, Semi-Gloss etc 
  • Oil Paint: Interior and exterior oil based paint, New/unopened containers only.
Global Paint Won't Take the Following Items: 
  • Paint Thinners, Stains, Dry Paint, Spackle,
  • Opened oil paint cans,
  • Rusted Cans of Paint with less than 25% of Wet Paint.
Improve access of high quality paints to vulnerable populations around the world. Nearly 2.5 billion people in developing countries live on less than $2 a day for them paint is very expensive. In these settings, it is very difficult for families to secure sufficient income for their basic needs such as food, medicine, water, clothes, school supplies, and shelter. When making consumption choices that involve spending on these goods there is nothing left to spend on paint. 

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