Thursday, December 26, 2013


Dear all,
On behalf of everyone at the Global Paint for Charity, we wish you happiness, health, blessing and peace in this Holiday Season and best wishes for the New Year.
Because of your support, Global Paint for Charity continues to grow its impacts in the developing world and in our communities. We gave $120,000 worth of great quality of paint and goods to help underprivileged families around the world.
Here is a List of our Top Beneficiaries for this Year.
  • Feeding the Children, Oklahoma, U.S.
  • Fishermen Missionary Church – Haiti
  • Tapestry Church and University, Africa-- Kisii, Kenya
  • Colores Americas in Central America (Honduras, Belize and Guatemala)
  • The Rights to Life Foundations, Inc., Atlanta, GA
  • Rainbow Village, Duluth GA
  • Partnership Against Domestic Violence, Atlanta, GA
  • Demerara Foundation in Guyana
  • Gwinnett Habitat for Humanity Restore, Lawrenceville, GA
  • Rony’s Mission Trip to Haiti (painted 300 Homes for families who were living in tents since 2010).
Top Donor in 2013
  • Ski’s Painting in Washington U.S. shipped 3600 gallons of paint to help our cause.
Highlights from 2013:
Global Paint for Charity, Inc., (GPC) has made exciting advancements in recent months as it continues to develop into one of the most successful organizations making a positive contribution to society.   
  • CNN, the Atlanta’s WSB-TV and PeopleTV stations have featured Global Paint for Charity, Inc. 
  • Tom Joyner, The Community of Giving Radio and two other local FM stations have featured Rony Delgarde’s GPC founder
  • An Atlanta-Journal Constitution article when reprinted in several states, prompted thousands of phones calls per day from people wanting to donated paint to such a worthy cause! 
  • Salesforce, one of the premier customer relationship management products used by businesses, has supplied GPC with training and its software to facilities the work of the nonprofit.
  • Drum World Wide Expect Staffs joined the GPC Board of Directors and provided the perfect solutions for promoting and rebranding our organization so we can grow and meet the demands.
  • The Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta with its incredible staff and volunteer lawyers have been extremely helpful and supportive in assisting GPC with all legal issues from drafting contracts to conducting researches about environmental, state and federal regulations for proper paint disposal, recycling and shipping abroad.
  • On August 20th, Rony Delgarde, GPC’s founder, was awarded Allstate Insurance Company’s “2013 Champion for Good” award as part of their Give It Up For Good campaign.  A local agent stated, “The Company (Allstate) was proud to recognize Delgarde for his dedication to making a difference and serving others”.
  • Global Paint for Charity donated 250 gallons of paint to Gwinnett Habitat for Humanity Restore. The revenue from the sale will help the habitat for Humanity International’s mission to assist local low-income families in our communities.
  • Global Paint for Charity assisted more than 300 families who were living in small tents since the disastrous earthquake to now move into new homes again.
  • Volunteers from UPS joined GPC and donated their time to help paint for Rainbow Village in Duluth GA, as part of the Gwinnett County Days of Community Services celebration. Rainbow Village is a transitional housing program where homeless families with children find refuge to recover and rebuild their lives with the love and support of a community-based family surrounding them.
  • GPC has a strong Board of Directors with various professionals to insure successful operations and accountability at any level of the organization.
Global Paint for Charity’s WISHLIST!!!
  • A Larger Warehouse where large paint donation can be safely stored and processed for use or donation. And can be used to education and train volunteers on recycling and techniques for painting projects and safety measures.  
  • A means to transport donations, especially when over 100,000 cans of paint are offered. 
  • A machine for processing all half can of Latex paint.
  • Supplies like new empty 5 gallon containers, drop cloths, paint brushes, masks, painters’     tape, ladders, etc.
  • Volunteers, Volunteers, Volunteers

I sincerely appreciate the opportunity you have given us to help many people in need around the world. We are very grateful for this privilege but we have more work to do.  As we come to the end of 2013, I would like to thank you for your great contribution to our success, and ask if you can help us once again. The holiday season is the perfect time to show those in need how much you care. If you are looking to make a donation to a specific organization, please consider a year-end donation of $50, $100, $500, $1000 or more to support our global paint project. In return, your donation will be recognized and we will post holiday notes mentioning your kind gesture on our Facebook Page and Twitter .  Making a donation is easy. Simply click on the following link:
to submit your donation online.

Once again, thank you for your support! Stay tuned for more impacts in 2014, as we continue protecting the environment, changing lives and painting the world one gallon of paint at a time!

Very Respectfully Yours, Merry Christmas!

Rony S. Delgarde


PO Box 48855  |  Atlanta  |  GA  |  30362
"Changing lives and protecting the environment, one gallon of Paint at a time"

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