Friday, October 14, 2011

My Latest Lyrics Review "Do Your Best and Don't Worry" By Cat Stevens

These words are transcribed without permission of Cat Steven in his album "Do Your Best and Don't Worry." You can find additions to the printed lyrics from the album on the Internet including his hand writing text while omissions may be stricken out. But after all the lesson is, you may not see what others see in you so read this great lyric and you would find yourself into a new you. Enjoy it but remember it is your life so it does not matter what other people say or think, just do your best and don't worry!

"Compare the best of their days
with the worst of your days
you won't win
with your standards so high
and your spirits so low
at least remember...
this is you on a bad day,
you on a pale day
just do your best and don't...
don't worry

The way you hang yourself is oh, so unfair
see the best of how they look
against the worst of how you are
and again, you won't win
with your standards so high
and your spirits so low
at least remember...
this is you on a drab day, you in a drab dress
just do your best and don't...
don't worry

The way you hang yourself is oh, so unfair
just do your best and don't...
don't worry
The way you watch yourself is oh, so unfair
just do your best and don't...
don't worry

The way you hang yourself is oh, so unfair
just do your best and don't...
don't worry

do your best and don't..."

1 In live performances of this song in 1995 and 1997, Stevens often sang "this is you on a bad day, you in a chilling day", or a similar variation.

2 In live performances of this song in 1995 and 1997, Stevens usually messed with this line "do your best and don't"

3 In live performances of this song in 1995 and 1997,  Stevens sometimes sang "do your best and don't give up" instead of "do your best and don't and don't worry", or vice versa. There is even speculation that he sometimes changed "The way you watch yourself" to "The way you see yourself".

Rony Delgarde

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I have posted no new articles since June but today while seating in my hotel room at Intercontinental Hotel in Buckhead and  all the news networks have a saying on the death of Apple Founder Steve Jobs, I couldn’t resist but go back to a thought I  had a few days ago “In the end, we decide if we’re remembered for what happened to us or for what we did with it”

Below is one of my favorite quotes from Steve Jobs.....
“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. … Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” Steve Jobs
Lets keep Steve’s family in our prayers…
Rony Delgarde

Monday, June 13, 2011

My Latest Book Review : How to Challenge Yourself and Others to Greatness by Dale Carnegie

This book was recommended reading for my Leadership Class for my MBA program 8 years ago. Unlike some of the other recommendations, Fish and Moving My Cheese for instance, this has some value.
This is an essential updating of "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. He wrote several successful books in the 1930s and 40s (sold 30 million copies). This book's major difference is that is more unabashedly focused on influencing people in order to make money, which is logical since the book is aimed at business people. Carnegie's rules are reiterated: be euphoric if you can and, if you can't, at least don't be negative; respect others and try to make them feel praiseworthy and deserving of recognition; listening is just as important as talking, perhaps more so. Business people are advised that they can be leaders if they realize that the pyramidal structure of the corporation is being replaced by teamwork; and if they set goals and keep them constantly in mind, business people have a good chance of realizing their objectives

What struck me as I was going over it was how central the basic messages are to most of the useful leadership books on the market today. Certainly among the more academic books you will find more material which is inherently useful to higher level leaders/managers and professionals but in the context of middle and line management, the central tenants hold true. To name just two, good listening skills, and trying to see things from the perspectives of others are golden rules from which none of use should deviate.

Indeed, one is almost tempted to say that these are the sort of things that should be taught in schools as components of civics classes except that I am sure many others would agree, schools should concentrate on getting basic skills right before they release students into the world of work.

Thus the book covers the essentials of leadership, from communication, motivating others to tactics on handling criticism. I believe the book is an excellent primer for individuals embarking on a management/leadership role, whether it will be as a coach, a parent, supervisor or CEO. It is worth the read. The stories are interesting and relevant. The chapters on Risk are noteworthy. It's a good book for the money so I totally recommend it to everyone.


Leave a comment for your boy!!

Rony Delgarde

Friday, May 27, 2011

Davos 2011 - Global Leadership: A New Era?

The growing prominence of the G20 has captured headlines globally, but the widely shared perception is that the world's problems are now more difficult to solve than ever before.

· Eric I. Cantor, Majority Leader and Congressman from Virginia (Republican), 7th District, USA
· Christine Lagarde, Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry of France; Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum
· Anand Sharma, Minister of Commerce and Industry of India

Moderated by
· Nik Gowing, Main Presenter, BBC World News, United Kingdom
Click to watch the video then you decide or discuss your opinion about the role of leadership in the world.
Rony Delgarde

Monday, May 9, 2011


We all know that being late is closely linked to many other bad habits such as being lazy, avoiding responsibility, ineffective time management skills, being unable to understand that making other people waiting is not good, or a lack of motivation, procrastination and many more. It is so true, I have ever thought that such a habit as being “late” can be associated with something quite negative, incompetence, self-centeredness, lack of integrity or increased stress and just being lazy in everything.

People who know me know that I have never been late for anything in my whole life. But then I was brought up that way. My parents taught me a lesson that all latecomers didn’t learn or neglect. When I was 6 years old and older my father would make me miss whatever or wherever it was I should have done or been if I couldn’t be ready 25 minutes early to the time estimate to get anywhere or do anything. Whether I had appointments, went to soccer practice or Judo training deadlines, or even attending churches or catching a movie on a regular basis I had to technically give myself 25 minutes early. At first, I had a very hard time to proper measure my times but when I realize the more I was on time the more respect I owned from my peers so somehow I felt less stress about what I was doing.

My father always believes that being late is the rudest things. He thinks it is something everyone can learn. For example, I had a typical neighbor and friend who was constantly and embarrassingly late and I hated it. It wasn't laziness or lack of caring, just poor estimation of how long something would take him to just get done on a timely fashion. One day, I advised him to follow my father’s secret system for being late. I know it was stupid but maybe he could just start with small stuff first like brushing his teeth, or taking a shower. So we would end up leaving 10 or 15 minutes after we should have done. At least I was not able to help him be ready 25 minutes early but he was always ahead of his daily schedules and everyone thought he became a punctual person.

As my father has decided ‘years’ ago to teach me how to be on time, today I can confirm how easy it is to handle punctuality. I can go to bed at 2 am and up at 5:30 am every day no matter during week days or weekends. I’m rather a few minutes early to my appointments than just being on time. A couple months ago, I gave a talk about leadership to a small group student at Clark Atlanta University in which I gave an extended version of this article. One of the students in the room gave me this compliment after my presentation that ‘‘I would be never late again and would never miss an appointment’’. I wish I had a father like yours when I was growing up.” I was chocked but knew I would make a difference in her life. That is my harvest of the seed I’ve put out several years back. One answer I gave to a question from the crowd was ‘when you are on time, you feel more in control of your life you feel more in balance. Although, I use my blackberry to carry my appointments and meetings but I don’t need a reminder on my mobile, I have a good feeling of what my transition time is and I put in some extra empty times like 25 minutes to allow me to be on time and no stress, not late, no loss of credibility.

I have an old and very dear friend who is constitutionally incapable of being on time. Although I won’t say her name here because I have many many very punctual friends, It's literally her only fault, I absolutely love her but I think she has a kind of tolerance about being late, almost as if she's trying to prove something. I've watched her trying to keep appointments and she will only just start to prepare for the meeting at the appointed hour. For example, if she has to be somewhere at 11:00, then at exactly 11:00 she will say "oh shit, I better start putting my make-up on" and laugh. Even though, she knows it’s going to take half an hour to get there. It frustrated me so much about her I would say something to her, but I don't remember it would drive her to change her behavior towards being on time. It simply just does not occur to her to do things such as check on time. There’s time she can remind herself to, but sometimes she just doesn’t, and she really feels she has no control over her behavior.

For all you latecomers out there, it is very important for you to understand that it is necessary to teach yourselves to be punctual. Making other people waiting, missing deadlines and running behind their schedules is something that may cause significant impact on everyone around them, and it actually contradicts with the full idea of a great leader. We all do it when we get closer to an appointment, you always feel the desire to do something other than getting ready or you want to see if you can get one more thing done before you go. So you end up being late and sometimes making other people who have waited for you late as well. That is why in order to break down the wall of being unpunctual; you should develop a learning process that will allow you to proper manage your times. A good exercise can be first writing down all your tasks and actions for the day, and then prioritizing them accordingly. Write the most important and the most necessary things to be done on the top of your paper or on your calendar, followed by less important and the least important things. Choose to do first only the things which are vital and essential for you, and understand the fact that watching the 10 top plays on ESPN Sportscenter or cleaning the house are not that important sometimes. Also, increase your awareness of the fact that being on time is also a key factor that plays an important role and can serve you for good in a great deal of various situations in your life! Very punctual people are always higher achievers, more discipline, appreciated, respected and are generally more successful in their life than latecomer folks.

Ok those are good lessons and tactics for being punctual, and how to change our bad habits and take more control of our life in order to become a better and more responsible person. What other advice do you have for people who will read this article but can’t figure out how to be always on time? Let us know your tips and techniques in the comment box bellow.

Thanks for reading my blog!!!

Rony Delgarde

Sunday, February 27, 2011

6 Ways To Lead The Best Life You Possibly Can

By Dan Preston

For most of us our daily lives seem to repeat day after day with little or no noticeable change. In the morning you get up, commute to work, come home, go to sleep exhausted and then start the whole process over again the next day.

The only thing really happening is were all getting older.

While preoccupied with our daily routines, we sometimes fall into a trap where we really don't care or realize that there is a world full of excitement just waiting to be discovered.

It is now time to change your outlook and pull yourself out of the daily rut called life?

1) Face Your Fears: There are not many people in this world that like to do things outside of their comfort zone.

Whether it be a fear of pain, fear of failure or whatever it may be, in order to grow as a person we all need to step out of that comfort zone and push ourselves to do more so we can become more as an individual.

2) Treat Others As You Would Like To Be Treated: This is such an old saying that has been repeated time and time again, but unfortunately its one that is not practiced often enough. Far too often we lash out at others because something is not happening in our favor or we let greed get the best of us.

So the next time your about to let off steam or do something you know is wrong, try to pause for a second and just think how you would feel if someone were about to do the same to you. It is hoped that you will see more clearly and choose a more compassionate approach when dealing with problems.

3) Don't Blame Others For Where You Are In Life: As hard as it may be to accept, everyone is where they are in life because of the decisions they make from day to day. It is far too easy to put the blame on others for our troubles and misfortunes when in fact we are in certain predicaments because we have allowed ourselves to be pulled into them in the first place.

The next time your looking to pin the blame on someone else for the troubles you are having, try and be constructive in your thoughts to overcome the obstacle in front of you and accept the situation at hand as a learning experience.

4) Look For And Bring Out The Good In People: When involved with people in our daily lives it is way too easy to pick out a persons faults or wrong doings which in turn always seem to overshadow the good.

The next time your dealing with someone that you really just don?t care to strongly about and for whatever reason it may be, try changing your attitude to a positive one and attempt to shift the mood by being kind and courteous to them in hopes they will see their faults and in turn give you the same respect that you deserve.

5) Be A Giver: A person's greatness is measured by what they do or give to other people in need, while not expecting anything in return.

No matter if you just give your time, knowledge, or a helping hand, the gratification of knowing you did a good deed should be reward enough for someone who is a true giver.

6) View Life As A Giant Classroom: Everyday you wake up treat it as if it were your last chance to learn about the things you want to know about.

View the people you work or interact with as your classmates and no matter how little it may seem, all have some kind of life lesson you can use to develop into the person you want to be.

(c) Dan Preston - All rights reserved


As a busy person, there is always times that I feel overwhelmed with thoughts about things I want to accomplish, but seem to never have enough time to complete everything. This article was such a fundamental inspiration to me. I hope you enjoy each points because the Author was very sincere which in turn helps me focus on a more efficient way to live my life while appreciate just every little things. I hope this article gives you a chance to open up more opportunities to do the things you’d rather be doing in life and make a significant impact in your community.

Thank you

Rony Delgarde

Thursday, January 6, 2011

"My New Year Messages"

I am back on blogging. This is good for me because it is a new year so it’s time to set goals to overcome my bad habits and focus on keeping myself and I super busy this year. Personally, I have had a great year in 2010. It was a year full of ups and downs, happy and sad moments, fun and painful occasions. Though there have been touchdowns and misses in every sphere, overall, it has been a good year. I am very enthusiastic about 2011. I think the New Year will usher in new promises, hopes, and challenges. Whether your goal is about changing your career, weight loss, relationship, anger management, patience, kindness, peace, or care, make the most of every passing moment.

This year I worry about having an existential crisis with the Haiti Earthquake. I have personally lost more relatives and friends from the earthquake than the United State lost on 9/11. The number of people killed from the earthquake is greater than a quarter of million, and millions of people in Haiti suffer daily from famine, cholera, and other disasters. I personally thank the international organizations for their help and support for the people of Haiti. Haiti has finally gotten international attention but the country still has a long way ahead (but that could just be my thoughts).

I like what Victor Frank says in his famous book "Men search for meaning" about purpose. Life has meaning if we lead a purpose driven life. And purpose is derived from values.

As I contemplate for being grateful, I realize that much of my purpose has to do with my relations with God. I know I am good at listening to the higher power and I intent to tie to my purpose as he will guide my values in 2011.
When asked recently why we are on the earth, I hurriedly replied "to run successful businesses - what else? To be famous?” As I ponder more, I realize, for me, the quick and easy answer is that I have been diligent in giving back to the community and am recognized for my contributions. I think sometimes we don’t look at our lives and forget to see how truly blessed we are. I am blessed to have a great education, good friends, a roof over my head. I am blessed that I could go to sleep and don’t have to worry about what I am going to eat when I wake up in the morning. As a non-profit entrepreneur and Senior Executive Consultant, I want to devote my time and energy in providing outstanding strategies to provide more efficient assistance to the poor, is a good part of my purpose and how I can have the greatest positive impact in this world.

Thanks for reading my blog. May your year be full of the things that bring you the most joy and happiness, whether it be family, happiness, love, blessing, success, a new job, or relief from pain or some combination of all of the above. I wish you a very prosperous one in whatever you do.

Rony Delgarde