Sunday, August 1, 2010

I Recently Read a Book Called "Invaluable" by Dave Crenshaw

I am just back from a long trip. Feeling I need to get more productive when I am on the road. There are always things I leave for when I am back home which I would prefer to just have dealt with.

I read a great little book by Dave Crenshaw- Invaluable: The Secret to Becoming Irreplaceable on my Kindle with Blackberry Bold 9000. You better love it. I had a negative reaction to the title because I believe everyone is replaceable and greatly dislike those that hoard information and knowledge which is how some choose to be more irreplaceable (and that method does not work).

But that is not what the book is about. It is about Time Management (so of course I love it). The gist of the message is -spend your time in your most valuable area (he calls them MVAs)". This has to do with knowing your unique strengths and understanding the value of them.

I have always worked on knowing my strengths and working in them. Part of it though is to also look at those things you do which are lower value add and figuring out how to reduce or eliminate them. Coming off a long trip from last week, I really see a lot of low value time (like spending time on Facebook, posting my pictures etc.).

So I heartily agree with the thesis. And it re-emphasizes all that I know.

It is written as a story or parable which I do not particularly like (although many people prefer that). I just like the facts.

I think this book will inspire leaders to spend their time better.

Thanks for reading my blog....

Rony Delgarde

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Rony, Thanks a lot for the review, both on your blog and Amazon. Much appreciated. Be Invaluable!