Monday, August 2, 2010

"I am Learning to Say NO"

I have been traveling on business. And I have been working with NGOs including Habitat for Humanity, Yele hayiti, Care USA, Red Cross, and the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund work together to provide the widest range of resources to help families, children and help the people of Haiti. But all have been a very rewarding experience and very time consuming. In short, I am feeling swamped.
I have never been good at saying no to people. People call and want to meet with me, arrange for a call, get me to speak etc. People send me emails that need replies, and projects need review before submitting etc. I usually say yes.

Part of it is culture and my parents’ politeness. I have learned that it seems rude to turn people down. Part of it also is I am an optimist and see the good in everything and everyone.

In order to focus on my priorities (and focus is a major skill that can move a good leader forward), I realize I need to say no to people. As with many things, it is easier to go completely cold turkey. So I am now in a NO zone phase. I am turning down every activity, opportunity for this month and the next to focus and get busy.

This will allow me to stop partying, drinking, dancing, dating, eating out, facebooking or twittering but focus.

No can be a good leader time management device…!!

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