Sunday, December 26, 2021

A Message from the President of Global Paint for Charity, Mr. Rony Delgarde


Dear Friends, Staff, Volunteers, Donors, and Partners,

There were many ups and downs worldwide and in our communities this year. But if you're reading this, we're glad that you are blessed to see another holiday season. I am so delighted to speak for all of us at Global Paint for Charity, and I can't even imagine how grateful we are for your continued support for over ten years. Your kindness means so much as together we reach communities in most profound need worldwide, transforming schools and renovating homes to help others live their lives from a position of strength, stability, and self-reliance.

Global Paint for Charity was founded upon a singular mission: to reuse latex paint to reduce suffering and brighten the lives of billions around the world. Global Paint collects, sorts the paint by color, type, and characteristic, ships the paint and building materials to vulnerable communities in developing countries. In collaboration with worldwide donors, paint companies, foundations, corporations, and partners, we manage to provide Latex paint to beautify orphanages, basic schools, sports centers, universities, clinics, and libraries in Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America. Together, we are citizens who care and catalysts for change-makers, artists, muralists, and caring individuals who will create and sustain economically sound, environmentally healthy, and sustainably eco-friendly communities.

Your giving accomplishes so much. Global Paint for Charity remains the world's first sustainable and charitable paint organization and the largest shipper of donated Latex to third world countries, shipping over 40 million pounds of Latex paint and serving 44 countries, reaching 13 million people worldwide since 2010. Last year alone, Global Paint exported 920k pounds of Latex paint valued at over $2.24 million to 12 African countries and eight countries in the Caribbean and Latin America. In addition, we increased our exports by 15% to help subsidize more freights in the global pandemic last year. So from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU! Your gifts support thoughtful, accountable projects that bring practical assistance and change the individual children, families, and whole communities. We couldn't have done it without everyone's support.

Global Paint for Charity, Inc. (GPC) is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization that envisions a colorful world where every person thrives while promoting a sustainable, healthy, and beautiful environment. The organization is guided by its Board of Directors and Advisory board representing all community sectors.

Since 2010, all Global Paint programs and services have been made possible through the generosity and support of other foundations, individuals, and businesses. Heading into 2022, we are ready for the new normal, and we are prepared to be as active and engaging as ever while working harder to reach more communities in need worldwide. I invite you to consider giving by Midnight on December 31, so we can expand our programs and, more importantly, to make sure our corporate partners will match your tax-deductible, year-end gift! What you give will help transform the lives of those in deepest need.

If your organization would like to support our cause and become a donor or supporter, we have several sponsorship levels available. Contact us at 855-853-7772 or Email us at for further information and pledge your support.
Please, be as generous as you can to bless more impoverished communities and families!

Thank you so much for partnering with us to extend a hand-up, not a handout. We look forward to a great year.


Rony S. Delgarde

President & CEO

Global Paint for Charity

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