Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Another 40ft container of 6000 gallons of paint arrived in Central America

Another 40ft container of 6000 gallons of paint arrived in Central America

For those of you who have asked what it looks like when a container full of paint is arrived and unloaded in a third world country...here's one we shipped with over 6000 gallons of paint in March arriving in Central America to be delivered to our partners in the region. As you can see it goes smoother and safer than our previous ones. This is the 12th container full of paint to Central America. The paints are manually unloaded from the container, sorted and separate by color, brand, and characteristic then store at a warehouse. Then they’re loaded up into smaller pickup trucks to be distributed to the local homeowners in more remote areas in small villages that requested it for the renovation and beautification of their homes, schools, churches, children clinics and women centers.
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Thank you to all of our paint donors and paint drive organizers! Can’t imagine the joy and comfort this paint will help bring in their lives for many years. It’s estimated that 80 percent of the world’s homes and schools face the dreary reality of unpainted walls, and more than 170 million children have never had access to a painted classroom nor a comfortable place to play, grow and learn life and leadership skills. At Global Paint for Charity, we believe a layer of color of paint on the walls not only can create an attractive and vibrant appearance but it can also uplift the spirit of the community for years to come.

Thank you to the Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful and Gwinnett County Solid Waste Management teams and Staff Members for their support, the entire Blueprint Painting & Renovations and Bear Mountain Custom Painting teams for the donation of their leftover paint from recent projects and commercial properties renovation and new construction. Thanks to many other businesses and everyone who donated! Now tell us, why is that paint you no longer want still in your basement and garage?
Click on the link below or call us at 855-853-7772 to schedule a pick-up or drop off. We will send a professional volunteer team to retrieve your items and supply you with a tax-deductible receipt for your donated paint. https://www.globalpaints.org Take Action!!

Global Paint for Charity is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 2010 to implement sustainable solutions to practical sanitation solutions and waste management. Through our outstanding and visionary leadership, we provided paint and beautification products to needy charities and vulnerable individuals in developing countries around the world, as well as targeting domestic communities in the United States. As many as 5000 to 6000 gallons paint have been shipped at a time to 34 countries in West Africa, Central America, the Caribbean, and war-torn areas of the Middle East and beyond.
We’ve made it our mission to hire and retrain individuals and volunteers with barriers to employment; collect discarded paint that would otherwise go to waste and overflow our landfills; and use it to beautify underserved communities, support local street artists and people around the world. We believe in using color to change lives and beautify our planet, one gallon of paint at a time!
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