Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Happy Holidays from all of us at Global Paint for Charity

Dear friends, Donors, Board of Directors, Volunteers, and Recipients,
It's hard to describe what it's like to write this email on behalf of the Global Paint for Charity organization at this time of year. 2019 has been a significant year for Global Paint for Charity, with notable projects in new communities, many articles, radio interviews, recognitions, and unprecedented success with partners and recipients for the solutions we offer.
We should like to thank everyone who has made this possible.
Thanks to our donors and supporters for their generosity, enthusiasm, and their continued support, and to our Board of Directors, Volunteers and all of our hard-working employees who show up and do their job every day, sometimes with little recognition and lack of resources. You see our needs and are committed to supporting our success in any way you can. Thanks to our advisors and partners in the logistics industry for ensuring overall smooth-running operations and executions.
Thanks to the people in the media for believing in our message and for keeping our business connected to our community month-after-month and year-after-year. Thanks for your consistently excellent articles and positive goodwill. Thanks for using your platform to deliver our stories to your audience all around the world. And many thanks to the people who booked me to speak and share my stories at their distinguished conference and special events this year. The feedback and support I have received will help me get more speaking gigs for the next year and I was so thankful for your hospitality and your generosity.
Thanks to our partners and suppliers, without your support, we would not be able to offer our products and service with the level of quality that is required every day.
Thanks to our donees, beneficiaries, and end-users, who are the ultimate recipients of our efforts. Thanks for your trust, your commitments and beliefs in our mission. We have been delighted with the positive feedback and ideas for improvement that we received this year and we heartily encourage you to keep sending them so we can assist you better!
And thank you to God for blessing us and so many people who have come into contact with our company throughout the years! As the Psalmist David says, “Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.”
Finally, we greatly appreciate everyone who has nominated us for awards or sent kind words and congratulations to us in the past! Everyone of us here at Global Paint for Charity thanks you for that trust and faith, and we understand how important it is for us to make every one of those moments of Joy as perfect as it possibly can be.

So, from the deepest part of my heart, I wish you all the happiness, love, and joy you could desire during this beautiful Holiday Season. May your travels be safe and your time with family and friends.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year, filled with health, happiness, and abundant blessings.
Rony Delgarde

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Another 40ft container of 6000 gallons of paint arrived in Central America

Another 40ft container of 6000 gallons of paint arrived in Central America

For those of you who have asked what it looks like when a container full of paint is arrived and unloaded in a third world country...here's one we shipped with over 6000 gallons of paint in March arriving in Central America to be delivered to our partners in the region. As you can see it goes smoother and safer than our previous ones. This is the 12th container full of paint to Central America. The paints are manually unloaded from the container, sorted and separate by color, brand, and characteristic then store at a warehouse. Then they’re loaded up into smaller pickup trucks to be distributed to the local homeowners in more remote areas in small villages that requested it for the renovation and beautification of their homes, schools, churches, children clinics and women centers.
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Thank you to all of our paint donors and paint drive organizers! Can’t imagine the joy and comfort this paint will help bring in their lives for many years. It’s estimated that 80 percent of the world’s homes and schools face the dreary reality of unpainted walls, and more than 170 million children have never had access to a painted classroom nor a comfortable place to play, grow and learn life and leadership skills. At Global Paint for Charity, we believe a layer of color of paint on the walls not only can create an attractive and vibrant appearance but it can also uplift the spirit of the community for years to come.

Thank you to the Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful and Gwinnett County Solid Waste Management teams and Staff Members for their support, the entire Blueprint Painting & Renovations and Bear Mountain Custom Painting teams for the donation of their leftover paint from recent projects and commercial properties renovation and new construction. Thanks to many other businesses and everyone who donated! Now tell us, why is that paint you no longer want still in your basement and garage?
Click on the link below or call us at 855-853-7772 to schedule a pick-up or drop off. We will send a professional volunteer team to retrieve your items and supply you with a tax-deductible receipt for your donated paint. https://www.globalpaints.org Take Action!!

Global Paint for Charity is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 2010 to implement sustainable solutions to practical sanitation solutions and waste management. Through our outstanding and visionary leadership, we provided paint and beautification products to needy charities and vulnerable individuals in developing countries around the world, as well as targeting domestic communities in the United States. As many as 5000 to 6000 gallons paint have been shipped at a time to 34 countries in West Africa, Central America, the Caribbean, and war-torn areas of the Middle East and beyond.
We’ve made it our mission to hire and retrain individuals and volunteers with barriers to employment; collect discarded paint that would otherwise go to waste and overflow our landfills; and use it to beautify underserved communities, support local street artists and people around the world. We believe in using color to change lives and beautify our planet, one gallon of paint at a time!
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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

2019 Earth Day Celebrations!!!

Our Earth Day Celebration is BACK, please join Global Paint for Charity, with its partners at Gwinnett County Solid Waste Management Division and Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful on Saturday, April 13, 2019, from 9:00 am- 12pm to celebrate 2019 Earth Day at Gwinnett County Fairgrounds (2405 Sugarloaf Pkwy, Lawrenceville, GA 30045-9340, United States). This year's Earth Day event is entirely FREE to the public and will include free paint collection (limit of cans and buckets per car), free paper shredding (limit five copier paper boxes), electronics, tire recycling (limit eight tires per vehicle; no dealer tires), toner/printer cartridge collection and more. In addition, bring your old sneakers and gently used clothing to be donated to those in need or to be recycled into new products. Residents will enjoy free kids' activities, touch-a-truck, and will have the opportunity to meet their haulers.
  • Interior and exterior latex paint
  • Water based paint
  • Flat, Gloss, Semi-Gloss, Primer etc.
  • Cans & Buckets with more than
  • 25% wet paint.
  • OIL PAINT (Interior & exterior)
  • Paint thinners, stains, dry paint, spackle
  • Opened oil paint cans
  • Rusted cans with less than
  • 25% wet paint
We expect to recycle over 6000 gallons of paint in just three hours, so in order to make this event a major success, we will need the support of volunteers to help greet our participants, unload the cans of paint from their vehicles to our commercial trucks and more. To volunteer for this Earth Day event, please visit http://globalpaints.org/volunteer/ or http://www.volunteergwinnett.net/. Please sign up to serve from 8:00am to 12:00pm to help collect paint donations at Gwinnett County Fairgrounds and 1:00pm to 4:00pm to help unload all paint donation at Global Paint’s Center in Norcross. Thank you in advance for your time and talents!
As usual, bring the whole family out from 9am-12pm to play around in every public and safety vehicle you can imagine will be at the Fairgrounds, including fire trucks, dump trucks, motorcycles, school buses, Gwinnett County Police Trucks. Also, there will be face painting and arts, balloon animals, and more for the kids. Parents and Kids of all ages can enjoy learning about Global Paint for Charity, Gwinnett County's solid waste programs and other recycling programs in our community. You will have plenty of time to meet and chat with our Board members, volunteers, students, city officials and supporters of our humble cause.
Earth Day celebration is an event observed annually in April. The history of this day can be traced all the way back to April 22, 1970. It is a day held to demonstrate and promote environmental awareness and calls for the protection of our beautiful planet. Although it was originally foreseen as an American event, today, Earth Day is celebrated in more than 193 countries around the world each year.
Earth Day is an important day for people around the world to take the time out of their busy lives to consider the impact that humanity has on the environment and for taking steps to reduce, reuse, recycle and repurpose so we all can live happier and healthier.
Please check our TAKE ACTION page for information about organizing a Paint Drive in your community, learn more www.globalpaints.org - TAKE ACTION!! All your donations are tax deductible.

Background of GPC:

The Global Paint project was created to give each person in developing countries and those in need in the United States, we serve the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of their shelter through every gallon of recycled paint. Through our efforts, we strive to protect the environment, change lives, beautify and transform communities throughout the world. Since 2010, we have redistributed more than 250,000 gallons of paint to 34 COUNTRIES and 40 cities right here in the United States. The paint is donated to community members, non-profit groups, and missionary groups for housing rehabilitation and renovations at orphanages, schools, colleges, libraries, hospitals, sports centers (Basket Ball Stadiums, Soccer Fields etc.), homeless shelters, veteran homes, and to property owners in need all around the world.

Rony Delgarde MBA
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