Sunday, September 10, 2017

Shipped 4500 gallons of paint to Dominican Republic!

With so many natural disasters with record hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, and destruction of lives and properties around the world lately, it's awful to see that many countries have taken a real beating in the past 3 months! Surely we hope our contribution will make one feel better and our prayers, thoughts, and supports go out to everyone effected by all those terrible events.
Another 18 wheeler trailer filled with nearly 4500 gallons of Latex paint and supplies to its final destination to Dominican Republic in Caribbean. Huge thanks to the UPS Foundation for providing to our friends at Grace Dominican Mission Team an in-kind 40 ft shipping container to ship the paint. It heads out on Thursday to Los Gomez in the Dominican Republic. This paint, which we estimate will impact over 2,000 people in the region, is so much larger than anything we have attempted in Caribbean. Let’s pray the container gets through all the hurricanes and impacts many people in the country. Our hope is that all underserved populations may live in a very comfortable and painted home one day.
We are all very thankful to Rick Raymond, Grace Dominican Mission Team leader and First Vice President at Wells Fargo in Battle Creek in Michigan for what his organization has done to help move this project from concept to reality and Rony Delgarde for his continued leadership and the great work, his dedication and generous heart. “I don't know what your belief system is, but everyone involved in this project feels that God's hand has been on it from the start- casting, directing, and guiding us every step of the way. “ Rick Raymond.
Stay tuned for full details about the progress and livelihood improvement in the regions. The pictures are from our partners and volunteers loading all the paint onto the container.
Visit our Partner page to see if your company or non-profit organization may be eligible to partner with us and receive an immediate tax deduction for your support and in-kind contribution or send us a request to get some free paints. We have great news for those of you who will need latex paint for new homes or to renovate and upgrade existing damaged homes for victims from the Hurricane Harvey and Irma, Global Paint will donate 25000 gallons of paint to help our communities down the East Coast!! So if you know anyone who can use our product please share this with them. We will be releasing the full details in the next few days for you to get the paint and take advantage of our free paint programs to change lives and beautify the world.
#Globalpaint #Changinglives #GallonofHope #Volunteer #CommunityService #Inkind #Hurricanes #Irma #harvey #LetsPaintTheWorldforpaint #UPSFoundation #WellsFargo

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