Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Holidays from Global Paint for Charity, Inc.

Happy Holidays from
Global Paint for Charity, INC.
Dear Friends,
My name is Rony Delgarde, and I am the founder & President of Global Paint for Charity, INC (GPC). I know you have heard about this new initiative from many sources, but as we go into only a day before Christmas, on behalf of the Global Paint for Charity, I would like to take a moment to wish you all the best presents of this holiday season: Comfort, Love, Care, Giving, Peace, Happiness, and Hope!

First of all, allow me to say THANK YOU for all the support and donations this year.  Without your help, the organization would not have been able to accomplish all the great success and activities it has so far.  As we come to the end of the year, I want to thank those who will continue contributing to our success, and ask if you will help us once again. The holiday season is the perfect time to show those in needs how much you care. If you are looking to make a donation to a specific organization, please consider supporting our global paint project by donating to the Global Paint for Charity of Atlanta Georgia.  In return, your donation will be recognized and we will post holiday notes mentioning your kind gesture on our Facebook Page. The Global Paint for Charity is a charitable recycling service established in 2010, our mission is to recycle discarded leftover paint from businesses and residences, reprocess it and donate it to vulnerable individuals and families in developing countries around the world. Making a donation is easy, and it feels great. Simply click on the following link: to submit your donation online.
I would also like to acknowledge the media: a special thanks to AJC and CNN for sending a team out to do a documentary about our organization. A special thank you to Gracie Staples for her great article "Global Paint For Charity Recycles Leftover Paint In Third-World Countries" in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. And a very special Kudos to Suzanne Malveaux anchors CNN Newsroom International and Natalie Snedden CNN Senior Producer, and her coworker Chris Hrubesh Senior Editor/Producer at CNN for airing our story on CNN. Last, I would feel very bad if I don't say thanks to our wonderful SashaThe Diva News Anchor on KISS 104 for featuring our story twice on the Tom Joyner Morning Show. Thank you all for your kindness! Please LIKE US on Facebook at
Here is a list of our program highlights for this year:
·        Collected about 25,000 gallons of leftover paint
·        International Trips (Ghana, E. Guinea, Kenya, Uganda, Haiti, Mexico,  and D.R.)
·        Donate 6000 gallons of paint to developing countries
·        Donate 300 gallons of paint for local homeless centers and community projects
·        Featured on CNN Impact Your World
·        Featured on 25 Newspapers in 18 states in U.S.
·        Featured on 4 Intl. Newspapers France, Chile, Greece and Uganda
Stay tuned for more innovative programs in 2013, as we continue protecting the environment, changing lives and painting the world one gallon of paint at a time!
Wish you a merry Christmas and happy holidays. I appreciate the opportunity you have given us to help many people in needs around the world. We are grateful for this privilege and we promise to keep working hard to make a difference every day. Once again, thank you for your support!
Very Respectfully Yours,
Rony S. Delgarde

The Global
 Paints for Charity
                      "Changing lives and protecting the environment, one gallon of Paints at a time"
            Global Paint for Charity, INC PO Box 48855 | Atlanta | GA | 30362

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