Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"100 Ways to Motivate Others"

My latest book review is on "100 Ways to Motivate Others” - How Great Leaders can produce insane results without driving people crazy by Steve Chadeler and Scott Richardson. OMG! Great book!!

The book is more about gaining commitment than what the strategy to motivate others should be. Motivate others has always been one of my greatest strengths. And of course to make it work, I always need buy in.

The gist of the message is sell people in the organization to be committed. We all know that many people are not fully engaged, this book talks about how to get them engaged. Clearly a laudable goal. I did not need the chapter on why it is important.

Some Quotes:

"Discipline is remembering your commitment to trump compliance". "Most leaders confuse Compliance and commitment". So true. And the cost of having police is not only their cost but the reduction in speed it can create for an organization.

"The only thing harder than gaining trust is losing it and trying to regain it". The book talks about the need for trust and how to gain it (mostly just old fashioned walk the walk, integrity, fairness, consistency).

"There is only one boss: The Customer"- you really have no choice here...

" Your strategies to motivate must be bold enough to make the organization more effective". I have seen this first hand. Bold strategy does involve some discomfort and change. This is where the people need to be inspired.

Interesting aside. I did not know where the phrase stake in the ground came from. Aztec warriors used to tie their ankle to a stake so they could not retreat from their position. It was win or else...

I loved the short stories and the tools in the book and could see a definite practical use for them. They would be perfect for someone who is a leader or manager with more than a few people.

Have a great day!

Rony Delgarde

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