Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Reach Your Zenith and Become Successful!!!

We all have peak experiences. The enduring memories that we have that we live for. The time we were able to push ourselves to run a marathon, to do our jobs better…peak experiences are why we’re alive. Some of ‘em are found at work. Some of the things that we live for are in our jobs, but some things have nothing to do with the work nor the business. Peak experiences leave us with a permanent mark, changing us for the better. And let’s be honest. Making money is fantastic, it’s fun, but it’s not an end-all be-all. Having an extra $ 2k bucks in your checking account isn’t the point. …the freedom money allows is the point. The reason we’re working or in this business is to fuel those peak experiences. That’s it. Not Every Peak Experience is found at work! The work that we do–even in the healthcare or mortgage business–can make it so we can be around for more and more peak experiences. If we are ALWAYS having things that change us for the better, exposing ourselves, pressing ourselves, and doing whatever we can to have new and better experiences…life becomes a fulfilling playground of wonder and joy. And that’s what this blog is all about. I created this blog to teach you more about leadership and Peak Experiences.

Know Your Peak Experiences
Often, the worry about money, the worry about ego driven “junk” can hide from us what the peak experiences we’re after really are. We elevate other things that don’t matter, and we strive for stuff that doesn’t really make us tick because we think we oughta have it. Some people who don’t care about cars buy a Mercedes. Some people that don’t care about houses buy a big house. These decisions are made because they do what others do, they don’t take JUST a moment to figure out and connect with what really turns them on. Sometimes peak experiences cost (i.e. Christmas shopping at Macys), and you need to arrange your budget to include them. Sometimes, Peak Experiences don’t cost much at all (taking your kid to the park, playing basketball with friends). The point is we need to have a peak experience to look forward to.

What If you Don’t Know What your Peak Experiences Are?
Be adventurous. Try new things. What might your peak experiences be? What do you think you’ve always wanted to try to learn? Don’t think about what other people are doing or the level of success they have accomplished or what turns YOU on?
What are the best memories that you have? What things do you want MORE of in your life? What things do you want to have in your life? What is going great right now? Spend some time thinking about this–how can other people be served by your peak experiences?
You’ll come across goals that really charge you and really turn you on when you’re always asking the question: what next?

To help you get started, here is a List Of Peak Experiences.
1. Shopping in New York City
2. Paying off A credit card
3. Running a 5k
4. Running a Marathon
5. Being completely debt free.
6. Being recognized as #1 in your office.
7. Starting a scholarship fund in your community.
8. Competing in an Iron Man Triathalon
9. Giving Money To Church.
10. Completing A Course on Being a Public Speaker
11. Running in a Road Race.
12. Making amends with family members
13. Buying a Sports Car
14. Performing our Art in front of a good audience.
15. Getting the recognition of our peers.
16. Getting in world class shape.
17. Reading 500 books.
18. Learning a new language.
19. Renewing wedding vows.
20. Taking a month long vacation
21. Meeting a famous mentor
22. Helping a famous mentor.
23. Creating a new church program
24. Quitting Smoking.
25. Going to Mardi Gras.
26. Going to a World Series Game
27. Teaching your child baseball.
28. Re-finishing family heirloom furniture.
29. Becoming an expert in a sport or game
30. Getting an article published in a magazine.

Feel free to add to the list, thank you.
By Rony Delgarde

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