Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year Resolution Tips

Every single time I turned on the TV this past weekend, the BBC World news kept mentioning that the world is heading for a global economic meltdown. For most of us, this is definitely somewhat disconcerting. For the second time in my life, I experienced such economic recession. I think that the natural resolution for most people for next year is to know if hope lies ahead.

As we are trying to make next year our best year ever, personally, I think your time could be spent more effectively. In many ways, the next year may provide the greatest opportunities ever. The recession could be a blessing in disguise. I’ve looked back over my life and looked at how many events which were awful when they happen have lead me to really great things happening in my life.

So what can you do in the face of the recession next year? If you can’t still find a job, maybe this will be the opportunity to create your own job or follow your entrepreneurial passions. In our lives we go through inevitable boom and bust cycles. So, maybe it will be time to examine your life and use your interpersonal skills to create your next job. So, here’s my list of potential ideas:

1. Write down 10 ideas for businesses that you could start in a recession
2. Create a survival fund: 6 months of living expenses
3. Create a travel/vacation fund and get to a country that is cheap
4. Eliminate unnecessary expenses: Starbucks, eating out, malls, etc
5. Restart unfinished projects that could generate potential income
6. Write a business plan
7. Keep aware of the job market even when you have a job
8. Keep in touch with your network
9. Start a blog
10. Sell everything you don’t use or need on eBay

Happy New Year

Rony Delgarde

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