Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Happy Holidays from all of us at Global Paint for Charity

Dear friends, Donors, Board of Directors, Volunteers, and Recipients,
It's hard to describe what it's like to write this email on behalf of the Global Paint for Charity organization at this time of year. 2019 has been a significant year for Global Paint for Charity, with notable projects in new communities, many articles, radio interviews, recognitions, and unprecedented success with partners and recipients for the solutions we offer.
We should like to thank everyone who has made this possible.
Thanks to our donors and supporters for their generosity, enthusiasm, and their continued support, and to our Board of Directors, Volunteers and all of our hard-working employees who show up and do their job every day, sometimes with little recognition and lack of resources. You see our needs and are committed to supporting our success in any way you can. Thanks to our advisors and partners in the logistics industry for ensuring overall smooth-running operations and executions.
Thanks to the people in the media for believing in our message and for keeping our business connected to our community month-after-month and year-after-year. Thanks for your consistently excellent articles and positive goodwill. Thanks for using your platform to deliver our stories to your audience all around the world. And many thanks to the people who booked me to speak and share my stories at their distinguished conference and special events this year. The feedback and support I have received will help me get more speaking gigs for the next year and I was so thankful for your hospitality and your generosity.
Thanks to our partners and suppliers, without your support, we would not be able to offer our products and service with the level of quality that is required every day.
Thanks to our donees, beneficiaries, and end-users, who are the ultimate recipients of our efforts. Thanks for your trust, your commitments and beliefs in our mission. We have been delighted with the positive feedback and ideas for improvement that we received this year and we heartily encourage you to keep sending them so we can assist you better!
And thank you to God for blessing us and so many people who have come into contact with our company throughout the years! As the Psalmist David says, “Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.”
Finally, we greatly appreciate everyone who has nominated us for awards or sent kind words and congratulations to us in the past! Everyone of us here at Global Paint for Charity thanks you for that trust and faith, and we understand how important it is for us to make every one of those moments of Joy as perfect as it possibly can be.

So, from the deepest part of my heart, I wish you all the happiness, love, and joy you could desire during this beautiful Holiday Season. May your travels be safe and your time with family and friends.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year, filled with health, happiness, and abundant blessings.
Rony Delgarde