Monday, August 29, 2016

Surinam Airways introducing first flight from ATL to Guyana

In case you missed it or did not know, it was an honor and privilege to be invited as a special guest to The Community Outreach Reception. The auspices of the Honorary Consul of Guyana for the State of Georgia, Mrs. Marva Jacobs hosted the reception in honor and celebration of the Surinam Airways introduction of its first flight from Atlanta, Georgia to Georgetown, Guyana beginning in December this year.

Also, I had the honor and privilege of sharing this nice table with Mr. Henk Fitz-jim, the Surinam Airline’s North America manager, Mrs. Marva Jacobs, the Honorary Consul of Guyana for the State of Georgia, Mr. Oscar Spencer, CEO of Guyanese American Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Krishan Bhatia, CFO of Centennial Aviation Academy, and his wife Dr. Bhatia, and Mr. Mike Singh, Chairman & Founder of The Telkomcaribe and The Demerara Charitable Foundation.

Mr. Fitz-jim said that the flight will be an excellent and convenient opportunity for the airline’s scheduled direct service to Guyana and is in response to the growing demand by the Guyanese community currently living in Atlanta. “This will be a very convenient opportunity for passengers in both directions-- So the convenience of the flights coupled with our excellent customer service and competitive fares will make Surinam Airways the first choice of Guyanese travelling to and from Atlanta, Georgia,” Fitz-Jim said.

Who knew one gallon of paint could mean everything?

Please watch the video:
Who knew one gallon of paint could mean everything?
Not only can paint brighten their days and spur creativity, but it also has a real health benefits in an age of uncertainty surrounding global outbreaks. Paint can protect against mold, bacteria and germs, the presence of which have a disproportionately negative effect on health outcomes in poorer communities. Paint can even be mixed with insecticide to stave off mosquitoes, which carry malaria and other viruses like Zika and yellow fever that kill more than 6 million people per year.

Global Paint had humble beginnings; founder Rony Delgarde was first inspired to collect paint in March 2010, when he visited Kenya and Uganda to distribute basic health supplies and nutrition kits to mothers in the refugee camps. He then found out there is a huge need for paint there. Many of the existing family tents, homes, schools, churches, and orphanages that he saw are in such a poor state of renovation and beautification that they need paint. That's where he realized the need to beautify global housing projects in the region. Rony immediately started collecting paint after that Africa trip, hoping to collect 500 gallons of paint to ship to Africa within the same year. He has gone to residences and businesses as far as North Carolina to Chicago to collect donation. And in partnership with a local Solid Waste Management in Gwinnett County, 6,000 gallons poured in in a single day, Rony immediately faced the positive problem and excitement that would spark the nonprofit’s global focus.

In the five years since, as many as 5000-to-6000 gallons of paint have been shipped at a time to 18 countries in West Africa, Central America, the Caribbean and beyond -- even places like Somalia and war-torn areas of the Middle East -- have received 100,000 gallons of paint donations from Global Paint for Charity, with Delgarde and volunteers often traveling to the countries to deliver not only the shipment itself but the organization’s heartfelt sense of support and partnership.

The paint beautifies churches, schools and homes marred by war in neglect in places that are trying to get back on their feet. Now is your chance to help us brighten more lives by contributing and donating to support the cause, as we seek to broaden our mission, using our distribution partners to deliver solar powered lamps, water and other necessities in short supply in these underserved communities. Together, we can bring hope, color, happiness, pride, encouragement, uplift the spirit of many underserved families living in slum areas and poor environmental conditions, put smiles on many faces in different continents one gallon at a time.

Share this video with a friend or colleague or family members so every media network will learn our story.
We currently have a list of communities that are still waiting for a gallon of paint to be blessed with the opportunity to brighter their lives, beautify their communities. This opportunity is a tremendous blessing to these people offering them a path for a brighter future and hope. We know the paint can't help end the cycle of poverty, hunger, and despair but it will help them lift themselves up, unit them and save their lives. If you have not yet given to our organization and want to support a worthwhile cause this year, now is the time.

To learn more about our program, please visit
Please use these hashtags in your future posts to show support: #Globalpaint #LetsPaintTheWorldForPeace #GlobalPaints #GlobalPaintForCharity #WeAreInThisTogether .