Thursday, January 6, 2011

"My New Year Messages"

I am back on blogging. This is good for me because it is a new year so it’s time to set goals to overcome my bad habits and focus on keeping myself and I super busy this year. Personally, I have had a great year in 2010. It was a year full of ups and downs, happy and sad moments, fun and painful occasions. Though there have been touchdowns and misses in every sphere, overall, it has been a good year. I am very enthusiastic about 2011. I think the New Year will usher in new promises, hopes, and challenges. Whether your goal is about changing your career, weight loss, relationship, anger management, patience, kindness, peace, or care, make the most of every passing moment.

This year I worry about having an existential crisis with the Haiti Earthquake. I have personally lost more relatives and friends from the earthquake than the United State lost on 9/11. The number of people killed from the earthquake is greater than a quarter of million, and millions of people in Haiti suffer daily from famine, cholera, and other disasters. I personally thank the international organizations for their help and support for the people of Haiti. Haiti has finally gotten international attention but the country still has a long way ahead (but that could just be my thoughts).

I like what Victor Frank says in his famous book "Men search for meaning" about purpose. Life has meaning if we lead a purpose driven life. And purpose is derived from values.

As I contemplate for being grateful, I realize that much of my purpose has to do with my relations with God. I know I am good at listening to the higher power and I intent to tie to my purpose as he will guide my values in 2011.
When asked recently why we are on the earth, I hurriedly replied "to run successful businesses - what else? To be famous?” As I ponder more, I realize, for me, the quick and easy answer is that I have been diligent in giving back to the community and am recognized for my contributions. I think sometimes we don’t look at our lives and forget to see how truly blessed we are. I am blessed to have a great education, good friends, a roof over my head. I am blessed that I could go to sleep and don’t have to worry about what I am going to eat when I wake up in the morning. As a non-profit entrepreneur and Senior Executive Consultant, I want to devote my time and energy in providing outstanding strategies to provide more efficient assistance to the poor, is a good part of my purpose and how I can have the greatest positive impact in this world.

Thanks for reading my blog. May your year be full of the things that bring you the most joy and happiness, whether it be family, happiness, love, blessing, success, a new job, or relief from pain or some combination of all of the above. I wish you a very prosperous one in whatever you do.

Rony Delgarde