Thursday, April 16, 2009

Leaders Have no Grounds" The Haitian flag is floating high in Canada!

The Governor-General of Canada is Michaelle Jean, A Haitian Immigrant, born in Port-au-Prince, The niece of Haitian writer Rene Depestre, and an award-winning journalist.

Let me brag a little bit:

One of the duties of Michaelle Jean as Governor General of Canada is "Commander-in-chief of the Canadian Forces.”

Wow! Talk about a boost of self confidence! I'm fired up and ready to go!

Michaelle Jean thought she'd made it big a few years ago when she became the first black woman to anchor a network TV news show in Quebec. "I have the feeling that a page of history was written just by my simple presence," she said in an interview at the time. "It would have been unthinkable not so long ago that someone like me would occupy the position I have now."

Well she wrote an even bigger page of history as Canada's governor-general. As Canada's Govenor General, Michaelle Jean is the representative of Queen Elisabeth II in the country. She is also the youngest person to ever serve as the Queen's representative in Canada. Michaelle Jean speaks five languages fluently (French, English, Spanish, Italian and Haitian Creole). I am very jealous to a point where I am skeptical about her Italian though…lol!!!

Shine! My Haitian Sister! Shine!

By Rony Delgarde

Sources include CDC News, Alaska Highway News, Globe and Mail, & the National Post.